After 30 years in the business of healthcare communications, we have a broad knowledge base. We are familiar with the market situation of numerous indications, have established contacts with leading opinion leaders and analyze competitive trends.

Overview of our experience:

Special field


Allergology Rhinitis, Conjunctivitis, Anaphylaxie
Aesthetic medicine Scar treatment
Cardiovascular diseases PAH (Pulmonal arterial hypertension)
Dermatology Sclerodermy, scar treatment, wart treatment, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, pre-malignant skin changes
Diabetology Long-acting insulins (Health policy)
Diagnostics VDGH, Chlamydia
Dental medicine Caries prevention through chewing gum
Enteral nutrition Tube feeding
Endocrinology Thyroid diseases, female menopause
Gastroenterology Gastritis (PPI, eradication therapy), Morbus Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa, pancreatic insufficiency, irritable bowel
Geriatrics HomeCare
General medicine Respiratory tract infections
Gynaecology Menopause, unwanted infertility, in-vitro-fertilisation, contraception
Hematologie iron deficiency anemia
Hepatology Alcohol abuse, urea cycle defects
Hospital PR Consulting
Immunology Vaccination campaign: “Hessen impft!”, Travel Med
Medical products Contact lenses, hyaluronic acid, asthma inhalers
Neonatology Urea cycle defects
Naturopathy Respiratory tract infections, bladder infections, depression, sleep disorders, nervousness, diseases of the digestive system, nervous heart problems, menopause
Nutrition Diets and functional food in special diseases, weight reduction concepts
Neurology/Psychiatry ADHD, depression, Parkinson, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders
Orthopedics Hyaluronic acid
Onkology Breast-, lung- and bladder cancer
Ophthalmology Conjunctivitis, contact lenses
Pain Rheumatism
Palliative medicine Opioid-induced obstipation
Pediatrics ADHD, Vaccination, wart treatment
Pneumology PAH (Pulmonal arterial hypertension), asthma, respiratory tract infections
Rheumatology Low-dose cortisone therapy
Rare Diseases PAH (pulmonary arterial hypertension), scleroderma, urea cycle defects, PNH (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria), Bardet-Biedl-Syndrom
Urology Erectile dysfunction, bladder infections, prostate diseases
PR for associations VDGH